My name is Lilith. Welcome to a small slice of the Internet.

This corner mostly concerns software engineering and computer science.

Thank you for visiting.


Entry 7 :: Fedis

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Learn F# with Fedis?

Journal entry 7 splash image, of Shyoko from Happy Sugar Life, representing my current shock that this works at all!

Psst! Have you heard of F#? Maybe Redis? Wanna quickly build a key-value database while learning F Sharp along the way? :D ✨

Then head over to this post for the full write-up ^_^


Many thanks to @sergey_tihon over on Twitter for organizing this calendar, as well as granting me a spot!


Entry 6 :: All Set!

Monday, September 20, 2021

All Set~

Journal entry 6 splash image, of Shyoko from Happy Sugar Life, representing my current shock that this works at all!

Well, everything seems to be working well. Welcome to the new version of my site. I've migrated the CMS and UI from Tumblr to a custom solution. Right now, this site is made via:

  • SvelteKit
  • Hugo
  • Marked
  • Netlify

I write journal entries in Markdown, which is wrapped by Hugo into JSON. SvelteKit serves that JSON via a Netlify functions endpoint. Next, the static SvelteKit site rips the Markdown from the JSON, at which point marked renders it into HTML.

So, I write an entry, run Hugo, push to GitHub, and the site is updated (Netlify is the backend for everything and runs via repo triggers). ezpz. 💙


Entry 5 :: Testing

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Test From Hugo

Hey. We worked it out. Now all posts will be written in Markdown, parsed by Hugo, and since SvelteKit uses a static adapter, rebuilt by SvelteKit. This means that writing a blog post will be as easy as ever — plus, these posts can go anywhere Markdown can. There's nothing locking them into my site. I'm really glad about that.


ad hoc updates @ Digital Preservation